Briefing EU examiners (non-Dutch)

This briefing is meant for examiners with an EU-examiner certificate that is not issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of The Netherlands, who seek privileges to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or instructor assessments of competence for licences issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of The Netherlands.

For the purpose of this document 'non-Dutch examiners' means aviation examiners described in subpart K of Part FCL with certificates issued by EU-member states other than The Netherlands.

This briefing is not meant for:

  • Examiners with examiner certificates issued by other countries than EU memberstates.
  • Examiners with a certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of The Netherlandswho seek privileges to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments ofcompetence for licenses issued by other member states.
  • As replacement for parts of an examiner training course or refresher seminar as mentionedin FCL.1015(a) and (b) or FCL.1025(b).



CAA-NL  Civil Aviation Authority of The Netherlands (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport)
FTS Flight Test Schedule
STPCRF Skill Test and Proficiency Check Report Form
AoC  Assessment of competence


No part of this briefing may be reproduced or used for other purposes without permission from the Civil Aviation Authority of The Netherlands (CAA-NL). Prints or copies for personal use by examiners are exempted.
The information in this briefing can never replace official publications.
No rights can be derived from this briefing.