EU examiners (non-Dutch)

Examinatoren die door andere EASA-landen zijn geautoriseerd kunnen kandidaten met een Nederlands EASA-brevet vaardigheidstests (skill tests), bekwaamheidsproeven (proficiency checks) en beoordelingen van vakbekwaamheid (assessmenst of competence) afnemen.

Meer informatie vindt u in de Briefing EU examiners (non-Dutch). Er gelden wel enkele beperkingen. Daarom is het belangrijk dat u de procedures voor het afnemen van tests of checks bij Nederlandse EASA-brevethouders goed doorneemt.


In order for (non-Dutch authorized) EU-examiners to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence, the examiners have to obtain the relevant briefing, Briefing EU examiners (non-Dutch).

This briefing contains administrative procedures and other information about conducting tests for candidates holding a license issued by The Netherlands. It is important to read the procedures since there is also a notification process.

In addition, it is important to read the latest version of the 'Examiner Differences Document', as published by EASA.

All documents can be found under the heading 'Documenten' below.