Documenten - Scheepvaart

48 documenten over Scheepvaart

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  1. Competency Matrix PFSO's

    Competency Matrix PFSO's

    Publicatie | 24-07-2017

  2. Veelgestelde vragen Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC)

    QenA's voor het Ballastwaterverdrag

    Publicatie | 18-07-2017

  3. Model klachtenprocedure zeevarenden

    Model klachtenprocedure zeevarenden

    Publicatie | 24-10-2016

  4. EMSA Procedures for ship creation, integration and reporting

    EMSA Procedures for ship creation, integration and reporting

    Publicatie | 08-03-2016

  5. Procedure to obtain approval from NSI of the planned accommodation

    Procedure to obtain approval from NSI of the planned accommodation

    Publicatie | 28-12-2015

  6. Procedure to obtain approval from NSI of the actual accommodation or of the planned accommodation in case of reconstruction

    Procedure to obtain approval from NSI of the actual accommodation or of the planned accommodation in case of reconstruction

    Publicatie | 28-12-2015

  7. LRIT op Nederlandse schepen

    LRIT op Nederlandse schepen

    Publicatie | 10-12-2015

  8. Port Security Advisory 1-18

    Port Security Advisory 1-18

    Publicatie | 29-10-2015

  9. DMLC part I, Annex traditional vessels

    DMLC part I, Annex traditional vessels

    Publicatie | 20-10-2015

  10. Leaflet LRIT

    Leaflet LRIT

    Publicatie | 07-11-2014